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Updated: 22 April 2024.
The federal government has passed the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Act 2023, which makes wage theft a criminal offence across all states and
From 16 September 2023, employees covered by the Professional Employees Award - such as engineers, IT and telecommunications service workers - are entitled to overtime pay and penalty rates.
From early 2024, the gender pay gaps of all private sector employers with 100 or more employees will be readily accessible to the public and employers will have more onerous requirements to report
In our ongoing series of articles on fundamental HR and people management practices, we take a look at the cornerstone document of the employment relationship: the employment contract.
From 6 June 2023, changes under the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022 give more employees the legal right to request flexible work arrangements.
Not everyone is familiar with basic HR and people management practices, so we’ve created this series of 101 articles to explain essential concepts and processes.
2022 has been a busy, challenging year for Australian businesses, with the post-pandemic economy opening up with a rush then facing pressures of a tight labour market, skills squeezes, rising
Australian workers will be entitled to 6 months of paid parental leave under changes announced by the federal government.
Domestic violence in Australia is recognised as a major public health, welfare, and social issue. It is estimated to cost employers $175 million a year in direct and indirect costs due to increased
The Australian federal government’s highly anticipated Jobs and Skills Summit has just wrapped up. With 36 "immediate" initiatives already agreed upon, it’s clear that the pace of change regarding
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