MyHR Blog

Jocelyn Visser, HR Business Partner

Jocelyn Visser, HR Business Partner

Recent Posts

Common mistakes employers make when ending employment

Ending a person’s employment can be a bit of a minefield. You know, disagreements, high emotions, personal grievance claims that can lead to mediation or court cases - the sorts of things all

Extreme weather event FAQs

Aotearoa New Zealand has been battling many extreme weather events recently with flooding, power cuts, building damage, and disruption to roads, transport and supply links causing major issues and

Gender pay gap reporting: should your business start now?

Imagine, it's 2025 and you're about to file your organisation’s first mandatory gender pay gap reporting with MBIE. You saw this in the news, but never really gave it much thought.

Sick leave: Use, abuse, and how much is too much

Most people tend to underuse rather than overuse their entitlement to paid sick leave - 10 days a year for most employees. But occasionally, employers have to deal with people who request or use so

The case against Gloriavale: Employees or volunteers?

In case you missed the recent headline news that could’ve come from a Margaret Atwood novel: six former Gloriavale members have won their Employment Court case to be classed as employees for the work

HR basics: Employment agreements

In our ongoing series of articles on fundamental HR and people management practices, we take a look at the cornerstone document of the employment relationship: the employment agreement.

Under the

Constructive dismissal in New Zealand

Sometimes, an employee may feel that things at work are so bad - maybe their boss is treating them really unfairly or hasn’t done anything to remedy issues the person has raised - that they have no

How to manage serious misconduct in the workplace

At MyHR, our HR advisory team has been dealing with many requests for help with cases of serious misconduct.

Managing sick leave: An employers guide to absenteeism

Sick leave is paid time off work when an employee, spouse, partner, dependent child or other dependent is unwell or injured.

It's winter, there are many illnesses around (including COVID-19), and

Restraint of trade clauses: all you need to know

The recent high-profile case of media personality, Tova O'Brien, challenging the restraint of trade in her employment agreement has shone a light on these clauses and what they can be used for.